Principal's Message

As rightly pointed by Swami Vivekananda “Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your shoulders and know that you are the creator of your own destiny.
All the strength and succor you want, is within yourself . therefore, make own future….” And this is what we exactly do at Abhinav Law college.
We help you to build your own future. Education, be it in any field-literature, Arts, Science, religion or agriculture-success can be achieved only through hard work, performance , punctuality, patience and an inexhaustible enthusiasm.
As an able student, one should not just seek to graduate with a Degree for self’ but aim at achieving knowledge and wisdom. Do not build just a Career, but also character; Do not acquire just Skills, but also Inner Strength and imbibe Values.
Law is the strong foundation of our society. It is the very soul, of our exsidtence and pervasive in every aspect of our lives. It is an omnipresent, omnipotent and universal phenomenon. The doctrine – ‘Ignorantia legis neminem excusat’ which means that ignorance of the law excuses no one – is applicable to every one of us.
Dear students, to contribute to the building of a law- abiding nation with lawful conscience and utmost integrity; is what you owe to the society as well as yourself . We’ll cherish, nurture and guide you to achieve this goal. Welcome to Abhinav Law College.
Abhinav Education Society’s
College Of Law